About Lisa Samet, ND

“Addressing people, not disease, in a holistic way by encouraging the body to heal itself.” In her experience, this is the deepest healing modality available in that it does not just soothe or palliate symptoms but can actually trigger the body to start to heal itself. This can seem quite miraculous when deep-seated or long-standing problems are actually eradicated as the body, with a push from the homeopathic remedy, starts to rebalance and regain its health. Most of the frustration with conventional medicine today is that although the drugs can take away many of the effects of a disease (pain, inflammation, etc), they don’t actually affect the disease process itself. This is evidenced by the fact that people usually take drugs for chronic illness indefinitely, and even after say, twenty years, if they would go off the medicines, they would likely be in the same place they started or worse off. Frankly, this can also be true in the ‘natural medicine’ world, where supplements and herbs can help the symptoms but never seem to address the chronic susceptibility to a problem.

It is not easy to master the art of homeopathy. Consulting an experienced practitioner is essential. It is more difficult to find a good homeopathic remedy than to write a prescription for prednisone or antibiotics, for example, or suggest a mixture of herbs or vitamin supplements. While some relief may be experienced from any of these therapies, deep healing will not occur in any comparable way to what is experienced with the correct homeopathic remedy.

The challenge comes in that we are addressing the individual as a whole being, not the disease. In the conventional world, there is a drug protocol for the disease name that one has, but in the world of homeopathy, we find a remedy that matches the individual’s personal manifestation of the illness, not on the disease name itself. This is because we are addressing the whole person, not the disease. What this means is that two people with the same disease, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, would likely get two completely different homeopathic remedies. For even though it is the same disease name, the type of pain, the location of the pain, the factors that influence the pain, etc., will most likely be different from one person to the next and these specifics are what the homeopath uses to prescribe on, in addition to a general and thorough understanding of all aspects of the patient.

Sometimes it is challenging for the patient to accurately express what they experience. Because people are complex beings, finding the correct remedy may not always be achieved on the first attempt. The good news is, there are rarely any negative side effects with homeopathy, so it is worth being patient as the results from the correct remedy will be worth your wait.

Due to the difficulty of mastering the art of homeopathy, it is imperative to find a practitioner who is well-trained as a ‘classical’ homeopath. This is someone who takes a very thorough case at the initial interview, often lasting more than two hours for an adult with a chronic illness, and then selects one remedy, not a mixture of remedies or alternating different remedies, that best matches the patient’s total symptom picture. In this way, a successful result has the highest chance of being achieved.

Lisa Samet is very experienced, as she has been studying homeopathy since 1989 and practicing since 1999. She considers herself fortunate to have been trained by some of the best in the field. She has seen terrific results in her practice even with very complex diseases.

In addition to homeopathy, Lisa Samet is passionate about helping people with optimizing their diet and learning tools to reduce stress. She will guide you on lifestyle improvements and nutrition optimization, including food sensitivity evaluation to identify hidden foods that continue to keep people sick, as well as detoxification and intermittent fasting to optimize health. Habitual patterns of negative thinking, worrying, and anxiety can keep us from enjoying living. These thought patterns and fixed ways of seeing situations in our lives can keep us miserable. Emotional re-patterning work can help patients experience a profound shift, overcoming long-held stuck patterns that prevent them from living their fullest and happiest lives.

Emotional Re-patterning

Habitual patterns of negative thinking, worrying, and anxiety can keep us from enjoying living. These thought patterns and fixed ways of seeing situations in our lives can keep us miserable. Emotional re-patterning work can help you experience a profound shift. Overcome long-held stuck patterns that prevent you from living your fullest and happiest life using easy-to-learn methods.

Naturopathic Medicine

The safety record for naturopathic medicine is excellent. This makes sense given the emphasis on non-toxic, natural source medicines and gentle, non-invasive treatments. Focusing on lifestyle improvements and nutrition including food sensitivity evaluation to identify hidden foods that continue to keep you sick, as well as detoxification and intermittent fasting to optimize health.